High Hopes for “The Ants” @ The Geffen

co-written by Charles Prior

“The Ants,” written by Ramiz Monsef, and directed by Pirronne Yousefzadeh. is a macabre thriller that skewers our societal values and manages to entertain and uplift at the same time. Monsef fabricated the play from a workshop at the Geffen and has had an admirable career as an actor in numerous shows, including NCIS; SWAT; and SEAL Team, as well as in theatres, such as La Jolla Playhouse; Playwrights Horizons and Second Stage Theatre. When we first enter the Geffen, there is a big, multi colored pastiche totem, covered with street objects like soda cans and bottle caps; and clothing rags, peopled by a vagabond’s face peeking through a peephole (Megan Hill); who poetically rants about the homeless and their plight in an indifferent city by the Bay, (really, any city, USA), and how every day is a true battle to just survive. We are also introduced to Nami (Nicky Boulos), an urchin who can’t manage to keep it together and find steady employment. He struggles to find shelter amidst the turbulence of life on the street. The next scene finds us in the upper class condo in a tony neighborhood atop a hill, replete with all of the amenities that define affluence and success . This is the home of Shahid (Ryan Shrime) and Meredith (double cast: Megan Hill); Shahid (now called Shawn) also happens to be Nani’s brother.

Nami knocks on Shawn’s door, and the ‘fun’ begins. Nami explores his brother’s new found success and finds his taste in art to be ‘kitschy,’ and basically ‘a lot of nothing.’ Meredith (Megan Hall) is Shawn’s wife, and responds with “the art is indeed something, and it has a lot to say.” And these polar views are the crux of the very debate that is the basic conundrum of the play. Nami represents the ‘have-nots,’ and Shahid represents the haves; and never the twain shall meet… until they do. The two brothers, and sister in law see life through completely different lenses. Nami also notices the AI designed brain, voiced by Hugo Armstrong, a decorative object, that like Alexa, can make this home become a fortress, to ‘protect,’ ‘serve,” “defend,” and “destroy” the outside world. We discover, to Nami’s horror, that after reluctantly being allowed to stay only one day as a guest at his brother’s home, his dinner is being prepared, consisting of kale and organic vegetables from Trader Joe’s. He rebels, hungers for meat, and orders a pepperoni pizza. After a heated discussion on the plight of the surging homeless population, at the bottom of the hill, who, like zombies in a horror film, are the titular Ants. They are forever marching, munching, and mooching their way to attention and antagonism. Soon, the family realizes they’re out of almond milk and sends Shawn out in the pouring rain to the market. There, where ‘the ants are marching one by one, out in the rain.’ A knock on the door of the now traumatized Meredith reveals the pizza delivery guy (Jeremy Radin), who is quickly accused of being the beady eyed, former bearded leader of the vagabond/hobo rebellion mob, and she beats him nearly to death with a hammer and promptly ties him up. Things start building up to the point of war, where it’s us against them, the war of the haves and have nots. The nobles versus the serfs; the entitled versus the oppressed diaspora. There is an incredible video show depicting Armageddon and the horrors facing today’s society, like artificial intelligence and man’s inhumanity and insensitivity to fellow man, not to mention war, famine, and the dreadful disparity to the tune of “the ants go marching one by one; two by two; hurrah, hurrah.” The acting, directing, and behind the scenes crew are magnificent, and well worthy of the high bar productions that Geffen is known for. This play will literally ‘blow your mind, and shatter your world.’


About Bonnie Priever Curtain Up!

I am a theatre reviewer extraordinairre. I attend and cover theatres ranging from large to small venues, and every subject from musical theatre to dramatic presentations. Also please check out my reviews at www.examiner.com and www.tolucantimes.com my email is bonniedeb13@hotmail.com
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